Leicestershire Headshots & Portraits
Brilliant Business Portraits East Midlands
I had an email enquiry recently from the fine folks at Cresco, https://crescospreaders.com/ they were having a website refresh and wanted staff portraits with the accompanying short bio on each person.
We had a phone call consultation about the shots and decided to use a green background with a slight gradient, so it tied in with their branding colours. They have a great space to set up my mobile studio, a little more was appreciated as to create the gradient an extra light was required, but I’m sure you’ll agree the final shots look brilliant. It was also decided that I’d shoot half body portraits as opposed to tight headshots.
Everyone took direction well and we got the desired friendly & approachable results Cresco wanted to portray.
Have a look t a few of their shots below. Also, how amazing does their website look with the portraits on??!! https://crescospreaders.com/about-us/
So Cresco was shot in the morning, and it was time for GP3 Financial Solutions in the afternoon.
GP3 are based in Oadby and were referred to me by two other companies I’d completed headshots for.
For their s shoot, GP3 requested a slightly off white background and a more close up headshot rather than a half body portrait. I set up in their board room and set to work. Once again, due to everyone taking direction well, and seeing their photos appear in real time on my laptop, we actually finished ahead of schedule.
While i do not like to rush these sessions, I like to keep a pace during the shoot. It keeps the client/subject on their toes and not overthinking it too much. Also, If i finish ahead of time I’m out of the building and not taking anymore valuable time from the clients working day. Everyone wins.
Take a look at a few of the shots and a short BTS (behind the scenes) video clip below.