Everyone Active Gym Fitness Photographer Leicester, Birmingham, Coventry, Derby, Nottingham, Northampton.
PR, Branding & Event Photographer East Midlands
One of my regular clients is Everyone Active, I travel all over country for these guys. It could be a recently acquired and refurbished site, a gym shoot, fun in the pool, or a special event.
This event was two special body pump workout classes with Radio 1 DJ Charlie Hedges. The centre for this event was Everyone Active in Dunstable, part of community hub. Like with other EA events, it was run perfectly with lots of staff bought in from Leicester and Derby, who I already know.
Also in attendance was FPV Drone pilot James Singleton, his drone skills are unmatched and a was real inspiration to me to lean more.
The event started with two instructors on the start with Charlie who played some amazing tunes. Class one quickly led into class two after a 15 min break.
Following on from Charlie was two body combat classes from the Les Mills team. I have to say these looked insane, and it’s on one hand hard to see why people put themselves through this, but on the other hand I can see how addictive it would become.
Overall a brilliant morning, with some great shots captured. I edited 50 images onsite and left them with the centre manager. The other 200+ images were edited and delivered Monday morning. On Monday afternoon the design team had already used some of the images in marketing for the centre.
Here are a few screen grabs for the images in place..
And finally, hear are a few of my images from throughout the morning.